Anniversary Engagement Wedding Rings Sugar Cookies — The Iced Sugar Cookie Ir a contenido
Anniversary Engagement Wedding Rings Sugar Cookies

Anniversary Engagement Wedding Rings Sugar Cookies

Anniversary Engagement Wedding Rings Sugar Cookies Sugared Hearts Bakery
 Anniversary Engagement Wedding Rings Sugar Cookies
 Give that bride-to-be a special party with a bridal shower. These wedding ring cookies would add the perfect touch to your dessert table. Celebrate a truly unforgettable moment with these hand crafted buttery vanilla cookies. 
What Sugared Hearts Bakery has to say about her YUMMY Cookies:
"These beautiful and delicious cookies make a wonderful gift and are the perfect way to celebrate such a momentous occasion! Each cookie is hand crafted and measures between 3.5". You can choose either my delicious almond sugar cookie with almond royal icing or my buttery vanilla cookie with vanilla royal icing. *Minimum 1 dozen per flavor.* All of my cookies come individually wrapped in clear, heat sealed cellophane bags."
These same wedding ring cookies are available in Sugared Hearts Bakery Etsy Shop! If you want these for a bridal shower then go scoop them up!
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