"If I Had A World Of My Own Everything Would Be Nonsense" Alice In Wonderland Iced Sugar Cookies

"If I Had A World Of My Own Everything Would Be Nonsense"
Alice In Wonderland Iced Sugar Cookies
Created by @maybeacookie
Check out these super PRETTY Alice In Wonderland iced sugar cookies! These were created by @maybeacookie. This set has some beautiful black and white checkered cookies topped with a golden key and flowers, the White Rabbit, Alice, The Red Queen, A Pocket Watch, tags that say "Eat Me" and "Drink Me", Flowers and of course Mushrooms.

I just LOVE Alice In Wonderland. Such a fun cartoon and these cookies would make the best addition at your kids Alice In Wonderland birthday party. These would also be great for any wedding shower or baby shower theme as well.

I usually don't recommend eating wild mushrooms but I think these ones will be okay. :)

I love the part where Alice stumbles upon the flowers and the little rose bud say's "I THINK SHE"S PRETTY" and then is quickly silenced by another flower saying "Quiet Bud". These cookies above shows the flowers with their little faces which is just adorable.
These cookies are created by @maybeacookie and she located in the UK (London) and she does ship. If you need to order these for your next event then here is her information below to place an order. Make sure you give her a follow on her social media below so you don't miss out on any amazing cookies that she makes. **TheIcedSugarCookie.com does not sell cookies. We only feature other cookie makers. You will have to contact the person below for an order. Thanks*** If you do decide to place an order with her make sure you let her know that TheIcedSugarCookie.com sent YOU!
Here is her information below to contact her for an order:
"Maybe A Cookie" Instagram
"Maybe A Cookie" Facebook
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