Mickey Mouse "Disney Star Wars Galaxy" Iced Sugar Cookies

Mickey Mouse "Number One"
Disney Star Wars Galaxy Iced Sugar Cookies
Created by @sarmisistersweets

How incredibly awesome are these Mickey Mouse Disney Star Wars sugar cookies created by "Sarmi Sister Sweets"? I love these! These sugar cookies have so much detail to them. I love how Mickey Mouse is holding a lightsaber. And the galaxy look on the number one cookies is amazing. What kid wouldn't love these cookies!

A Little Information About Them:
Priscilla (Cilla) and Angela (Geels), sisters and best friends who share a passion for baking. When they are not at work– Cilla is a doctor and dedicated mommy, and Geels is a software marketer– plugging away in the kitchen, inventing new ways to make treats that dazzle both your eyes and your taste buds. Armed with rolling pins, mixers, and our collective creativity, they love to show you what they are all about– sweetness, whimsy, and spreading cheer.
Make sure you give them a follow on their social media below.
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