Bryan's Safari 9 Month Birthday Party Cakes

Hey Guys! I"m Bryan the park ranger and I will be taking you on a Safari tour today.

Raise your left hand and repeat after me:
"I will not FEED the lions."
"I will not FEED the bears."
"I will not FEED the hippos."
"I will not FEED the elephants."
"And I will not FEED the zebras."

Oh yeah...And if you brought snacks with you then you can just hide them under your hat. There's where I keep all mine.

This one is pretty important..."ELEPHANT'S CROSSING".
Make sure you don't get stepped on by an elephant.

If you stay close to me, then we won't have to worry about that.

And if the elephants come at you then just hide behind
something that will camouflage you.

Any questions so far?

I have a car on stand by so I can jump in it and out run any animals. But sometimes they catch up to me and when that happens I give them.....

a little grass to side track them.....and if that doesn't work then I give them....

one of my snacks that I have hidden under my hat.
Which really bums me out cause I was looking forward to that sandwich.

Oh! Look! Here is a trail of footprints. Let's follow them.

And I always have my hand dandy string
just in case if I have to round up a wild animal.

Okay guys...grab your maps and let's go on the tour.

Oh...And while I'm thinking about it, I thought I better make mention of what happened to the last tour group that I led. This might be a little scary....I found myself separated from the group....

The animals actually kidnapped me
and held me hostage in their territory.

I really didn't know how I was going to escape.

I convinced them that if they let me go I would make them carrot soup every day.
So they agreed and let me go.

HAHAHHA Nah!!! I'm just teasing you guys. Our animals are pretty friendly here. I have my compass...so are you ready to go on the tour now? lol
All Safari Cakes pictured above was made by Divine Delicacies Cakes for Bryan's 9 month birthday party. All photos were taken by Christy & Co Photography.
Want to special order some cakes just like these for your party event? Then head over to their website and check it out or give them a call to place your order. All links are down below.
Photography is exclusively provided by Christy & Co Photography
and may not be used without their permission.
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