Whisker Haven Palace Pets Birthday Party DIY Hanging Banner Garland Idea-Pumpkin, Treasure, Petite, Ms Featherbon, Dreamy, Sultan, Berry

Whisker Haven Palace Pets Birthday Party-
DIY Idea Flag Hanging Banner-
Pumpkin, Treasure, Petite, Mr. Featherbon, Dreamy, Sultan, Berry
If your throwing a Palace Pets "Whisker Haven" birthday party for your child the try making this adorable flag hanging banner garland using some Whisker Haven clipart and white card stock. Just print the clipart out on the white card stock and cut each character out using some cool decorative cutting scissors. This will give that scalloped looking edge around each character. Then use a hole punch and add two holes in each character and then run some raffia string through the holes and hang it up. These can hung up outside or inside over a doorway.

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